VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
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Journal section "Issues of development of territorial systems"

Regional Structural Policy: Bibliometric Analysis and Research Review

Rumyantsev N.M., Cheplinskite I.R.

Volume 11, Issue 2, 2023

Rumyantsev N.M., Cheplinskite I.R. (2023). Regional Structural Policy: Bibliometric Analysis and Research Review. Territorial development issues, 11 (2). DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2023.2.64.4 URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/29836?_lang=en

DOI: 10.15838/tdi.2023.2.64.4

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
In the conditions of active changes in the economy and instability in the geopolitical sphere, countries face the challenges of uneven development and limitations of old structures. In such a situation, it is necessary to seek new approaches in structural policies to overcome these limitations and promote development. The first step in research, according to the author’s position, is to analyze the existing works in the field. This will help to systematize the research space and identify gaps in knowledge, understand the potential opportunities to address them, and substantiate the relevance of the chosen areas of research. The aim of the work was to review the current research in the field of structural policy using the tools of bibliographic analysis of publications presented in Russian databases of scientific literature. The study is based on the actively used approaches of bibliographic and bibliometric analysis. The information base includes statistical data of the eLIBRARY library for 2000–2022. In the course of the work, dynamic series were constructed, which reflect the publication activity in the area under consideration. A brief characterization of these series was carried out. As a result of the literature review, three main blocks of publication activity were identified, and brief excerpts from the analyzed works were presented. The systematization of these works was also carried out in order to study the regional structural policy. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of lacunas in the field of structural policy research, as well as in the definition of key directions and measures of structural policy in relation to the changed conditions of economic activity. The study will be of interest to scientists who consider the processes of structural transformation of the economy. The results can be useful in the development of strategies and mechanisms of structural policy at various levels, including federal and regional. Further scientific research will be aimed at deepening the understanding of these processes and using the gained experience to create effective policy mechanisms that promote structural changes in the economy


consumer demand, structural transformation, value chains, Consumer demand, bibliometric analysis, perspective economic specializations, structural investment policy

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