VolRC RAS scientific journal (online edition)
19.04.202404.2024с 01.01.2024
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Journal section "Territorial economy"


Kopytova E.D.

4 (24), 2015

Kopytova E.D. DISCLOSURE OF BUSINESS ENTITIES: DOMESTIC EXPERIENCE. Territorial development issues, 2015, no. 4 (24). URL: http://vtr.isert-ran.ru/article/1494?_lang=en

Abstract   |   Authors   |   References
In the rapidly changing environment the information is necessary for objective assessment of the socio-economic situation of the territory, forecasting of socio-economic processes, timely development of regulatory measures targeted at supporting positive and weakening negative trends. Therefore, the presence full, accessible and reliable information on the activities of economic entities is a necessary condition for high quality management of socio-economic processes. In connection with the above, this article presents the review of the institutional framework for the information disclosure of public organizations. The information base of this study is the following: periodicals and Internet resources, including official websites of the Vologda Oblast largest enterprises. To achieve this goal we use the system and integrated approaches, as well as general scientific research methods (synthesis, mapping), tabular methods of information processing. The results of the conducted research help determine the measures to improve the quality and accessibility of information


region, management, accessibility, enterprise, information, socio-economic processes, reporting

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